mute.. mute mute dammit, gmail. ok fine.. On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Josh Andler wrote: > I find the irony in quoting a Democrat when trying to defend Republicans > to be quite amusing. :P > If your measure were based on the values represented by the quote and not the party of the speaker, then you would not find it ironic. > > mike havens wrote: > > Self interest? Whatever happened to, "Ask not what your country can do > > for you; but for what you can do for your country," and to the > > STATESMAN mindset rathedr than to the politician mindset. > > > This list if full of individuals with widely varying views, and arguments such as this will do little to change the mind of most of us. Despite that, I grow tired of ignorant statements. Obama won't tax those making less than 300k, then 250k, then 150k, then 120k.. Did know one else notice that? Does no one else remember Clinton's 1992 campaign on middle class tax cuts and making the "rich pay their fair share"? Does no one else remember that Clinton then announced there will be no tax cuts on Jan 15th, 1993 before he was even sworn in? Does no one else remember Clinton's largest tax increase in US history? If you hang your hopes and dreams on any politician (Dem, Repub, or otherwise), you will be sorely disappointed. Obama isn't going to give tax cuts, though he may further increase tax refunds given to those not paying taxes. If you haven't been paying attention, the Bush tax cuts are temporary and will expire soon. This will bring back the death tax, increase capital gains tax rates, and substantially increase tax rates across the board. Congress has no intention of making the Bush tax cuts permanent. It will be easy for Obama to claim he want to give people a break, and blame Congress for not giving him a bill or whatever excuse. That's politics. Obama isn't any different, and may actually be among the worst of them. Look, he's offered a cabinet to Rahm "f--- them" Emanual. I don't blame people for wanting to kick the Republicans to the curb; it's just unfortunate that they've marred the values I stand for but which they didn't actually uphold. If you look around the world and at our own history, it should be pretty obvious that government and bureacracy can't fix your life. The best thing it can do is provide for defense and equal opportunity then get out of your way. Do you actually trust the government to run more programs and in anyway make decisions for you with the track record they have? Deficit, Iraq war pre-surge, Afghanistan right now, social security, welfare, healthcare laws and regulation, 8000 pages of tax code (wtf?), bridge to nowhere, subsidizing wooden arrows in a bank bail out bill, the bank bail out itself.. seriously? For the liberals, congratulations for the most liberal admin and congress in us history. Good luck with that. For the neo-cons, thanks, appreciate it (not). For the conservatives, like myself, this will bring clarity. That is a good thing. In the end, this is still America. I, for one, am still proud to be an American and love this country for things like election. It is a major political shift, and it is a peacful one. Now, lemme try that gmail mute thing again. -j