If one does a nslookup for news.west.cox.net....... nslookup news.west.cox.net Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: news.west.cox.net canonical name = cox-west.svc.highwinds-media.com. cox-west.svc.highwinds-media.com canonical name = newsfarm.iad.highwinds-media.com. Name: newsfarm.iad.highwinds-media.com Address: Name: newsfarm.iad.highwinds-media.com Address: ---- Robert Holtzman wrote: > That's not what I mean. What I was asking about is the entity that > provides their news feed (Giganews etc. etc.). From what I have read, they > don't run their own news servers. If they do they're even more clueless > than I thought as they told me they don't provide support for news > problems. >