Hi, I'm a web programmer and from time to time I am tasked to do some work on a server.  While I have been using and playing with Linux for about 8 years I have really not spent too much time working with it in the real world until recently. I personally run Fedora and the webservers I work on run CentOS or RHEL. I am looking for a reference that will list the things I might need to know to manage a (web) server from the command line.  Is there such a thing or is it a crazy question? For instance yesterday I was changing passwords and removing old users.  Today I ran into a situation where it appeared a directory was password protected by a .htaccess file.  I could not find it or figure out what was going on until the system administrator told me about the .htadmin file one directory below the document root.  So I learned about htpasswd. I've configured sudo users however I do not know how to restrict SSH access to only the users I want to be able to shell in. As usual I'm wondering what I might not know and where I might find out. Thanks in advance for all your help. ------------------------ Keith Smith