flphoto or photoprint may accomplish what you're looking for. der.hans wrote: > moin moin, > > now, for how I want to do things :) > > Is there a tool that'll import a bunch of photos and let me toss them > around on various pages? > > I tried scribus, but it didn't seem to like jpgs. Not that I know squat > about using scribus... > > I'd like to do something like "$the_tool *jpg &" and then clicky-clicky, > draggy-draggy to move pictures around for a layout. I don't need text for > this tool, but it would be cool if I had it, especially if I could > automagically get captions or water marks that list the image's file name. > > Being able to add some rough graphics and being able to do background > images and transparency and image rotations would be helpful. Being able > to crop would be awesome. > > This will be for 30 to 50 pages of pictures, but I might soon need it for > other stuff as well. It will be going to dead tree. Actually, I think > it'll be going to dead dinosour as it'll probably be printed on plastics. > > Maybe I should just do this with aalib and screen... ;-) > > I did recently use aalib inside screen to figure out which photo had the > painting I wanted to look at. > > ciao, > > der.hans