My father (actively retired and now at 70+ years old) has recently purchased a new Eee PC. He really likes it! He surprised me and did NOT order Windows XP to go with it. I have been helping him with a few things. It has been an interesting experience. One evening we were confirming that his 8GB SD card was working properly. He claimed it would not. We discovered that the path to the card when inserted in the system was /media/SD_MMC (or something like that). He wondered, of course, why it was not "drive D:" And then he made a comment to this effect: "Am I going to have to learn lots of new things with this. Maybe I should just buy Windows for it since I already know that." I am able to handle this situation. I mean, it's my dad and I'll help him. I am expanding this experience to a wider picture. I'd like to hear about other experiences and ideas around new Linux user training. What training resources have you seen work? How can such training best be presented or used? How have you overcome objections to learning or using Linux on the desktop? And so on? Alan