First, please do not take this as a rebuke of anyone. I follow and even contribute to may of the off topic discussions in the list. I just think we should give them their own home. Second, I think the social "non-Linux" aspects of the group are important. I know I learn to respect other PLUGgers during Linux discussions and wish to tap into their knowledge and friendship for other topics from time to time. I certainly don't want to cut off the social side of the group. It's important. I propose that we create another email list. It would be called "plug-offtopic" and would be the place for everything not Linux/FS/OSS related. Things in the news, politics not directly related to our focus, car problems, whatever could be in that list. That will maintain plug-discuss for Linux/FS/OSS discussions and those of us that want to talk tin-foil hats and political blow-hards can track the new list. I am but one vote making a motion. Any seconds? Alan