On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 14:02 -0700, Josef Lowder wrote: > . > What is the best and most efficient way to convert a high-res > 2.5-meg pdf to a high-res jpg without losing (too much) image quality? Joseph, What exactly do you want to convert? Is there an image in the PDF that you want to extract? Or is it the text that you want? There are utilities that will extract the text from a PDF and, of course, you can always select, copy and paste small amounts. Photoshop will let you extract an image file from a PDF and GIMP will open a PDF, let you select the page number and set the resolution. Of course, if the original image file is of low quality or the compression was set too high when the PDF was created you'll be limited in how good an image you can produce. Something like Genuine Fractals (Windoze) can help in that case. Maybe you can bypass the PDF altogether and go to the source of the image. Maybe something as simple as googling will find the original. Dennisk -- Member Free Software Foundation "Free as in Freedom"