Craig White wrote: > On Thu, 2008-01-10 at 14:45 -0700, Alan Dayley wrote: >> >> I think I remember this happening about a year ago with Negroponte >> claiming MS is working with OLPC and then MS denying it. I think >> Negroponte needs to wait for partners to make announcements with him (or >> evilly before him[1]) so he doesn't keep wearing egg on his face. > ---- > come on now, think about it...Nicholas Negroponte...who's your bro? I praise the man and his revolutionary efforts. I just don't think he should be speaking for a different entity unless they are standing next to him at the microphone, so to speak. On the other hand, I only think this for the sake of appearances. I think he runs an amazing project in a far more open fashion than most people are accustomed to. Thus, his minor missteps are more visible to everyone. I see this as commendable and natural. However, those not used to being as open will point a laugh at times. Unfortunately that can hurt his cause. My respect for him is not diminished. I'm only offering opinionated feedback, even though he will never see it. Alan