On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 01:21 -0600, Jeremy C. Reed wrote: > On Saturday, my wife used that (tag was "christmas"). It was a slow > process, because the tags page doesn't show any images, so she had to > click one at a time. Only a small percentage of those had thumbnails, so > also had to click on the SVG download for each. Then back to the main list > and so on .... what should be a 30 second task took over ten minutes. Yeah, it's a well known problem. It steams from using the ccHost CMS which provides some interesting features like remixing, but it's really designed for audio. The idea of an audio preview isn't really built in, so that makes the whole concept a little bit hard. On the flip side, if someone would like to make a big impact and is familiar with webservices (I think it's PHP) the project is in need of developers. Join the mailing list. There is a ton of cool features that are possible but we don't have the development bandwidth to sustain. --Ted