Ok, I have still have the Fed. Core 5 installed but it won't rec the eth0 even after the command Jeremy Miller gave me, and my network is DCHP. We have all the previous distro's that have failed. I tried the following site: http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/ Fedora-7-Live-i686.torrent Fedora 7 Live i686 701M 2007-05-31Fedora-7-i386.torrent Fedora 7 i386 2.8G 2007-05-31These have both failed to install with the live cd showing the same error about the controller as all the other Live CD's. I am going to try Craig's --> "linux pci=nomsi all-generic-ide" command in case the SATA drives, or their controllers are the issue. The non-live install stopped at drivers for ACHI, and even when I loaded them from the disk it did not recognize the hardware. It should be noted that I set up IDE cabled, and SATA cabled drives on a desktop box and "every" single disk would install without a hitch, so the media is not to question, merely the hardware recognition and/or compatibility with the Notebook. Now the main reasons I have not given up is many: 1. Linux rules and Tux is my hero. 2. Its what I am going to school at MCC in January to learn and if I can't help people through installs then what good would I be as a tech. 3. I hate to loose when its a problem that must have a solution, if one tries hard enough. Sorry, if I sound like a newb and most of my knowledge is from Windows but I really want this to work because MCC seems to use Fedora or CentOS for their operating systems. That being the case I really want to run one of them so I get more practice with it. Thanks for the help given and thanks for continuing to help me. =========================== Specs: Dell Inspiron 1520 2.2Ghz Core 2 Duo 256MB NVidia 8600M Video Card 160GB Hard Drive (100GB to Vista, 45GB to ext3, and 2GB for swap - actual total size 149GB) Broadcom NIC Dell 1390 Wireless DVD Burner =========================== Later, Brian