Fedora 7 live CD fails to boot from the disk and from loading it to RAM ( Laptop Specs and failed distro list are below ). I tried dowloading the torrent from fedoraproject.org for "7" and the live failed. I then downloaded the DVD version and I am going this morning to buy some blank DVD-R. I will let you all know if it works. Specs: Dell Inspiron 1520 2.2Ghz Core 2 Duo 256MB NVidia 8600M Video Card 160GB Hard Drive (100GB to Vista, 45GB to ext3, and 2GB for swap - actual total size 149GB) Broadcom NIC Dell 1390 Wireless DVD Burner Well the list is long but the following distro's failed: Ubuntu Kbuntu Sabayon Dreamlinux CentOS 5 and the following text installer also failed: Slackware. Later, Brian