My Google searches are producing a large number of hits. As I continue to wade through them, I think I'll query the great minds here. I have a Linux server that needs to send email. The "relay" server requires: - Connection via SMTP. - Connection to a non-standard port number - Authentication as a valid email account user 1. I have found various documentation of how to configure my Sendmail server to *listen* on a port other than 25 but not where I can tell it to *send* on a different port. Where do I configure it to relay to a port other than 25? 2. The authentication options are confusing to me, so far. I continue to read but if someone has a good, clear resource for Sendmail authentication as a user on another SMTP server, I'd appreciate a pointer to it. That second question is a little vague. I'll read more so I can ask it better later. Alan