The PLUG East Side Meeting will be held tomorrow, Thursday, September 13th. What: PLUG East Side Meeting When: September 13th, 2007 @ 7:00pm Where: Sequoia Charter School in Mesa (See "East Side Meeting" information on the web site at Topics: * More GIMP tricks by Dennis Kibbe "Award-winning photographer and digital camera wizard, Dennis will show us a few simple GIMP techniques that every digital photo can benefit from." * Eye-candy with Compiz-Fusion by Matt Graham "Compiz-fusion is the latest eye-candy heavy compositing window manager from the merger of the Beryl and Compiz projects. Learn how to get it set up on your machine and avoid common pitfalls, problems, and glitches." I've been running Linux since 1999 and been very active on comp.os.linux.* since 2000. Perl, troubleshooting, and digging in obscure corners of the system are things I do for fun. I just moved to the Phoenix area 1.5 months ago, so I've only been to one meeting so far. * Xen Virtualization on Linux Primer by Austin Godber A brief background on Xen based virtualization and primer on usage on Ubuntu 7.04 will be presented. Bio - Austin Godber has been involved in Phoenix Area User Groups including PLUG and ASULUG for over a decade and has used Linux as his OS of choice since Windows 95 came out. He graduated from Arizona State with a BS in Physics in 2000. His employment has included computer security research for DARPA, starting a Municipal Wireless company, helping NASA survive the Slashdot effect and is now venturing into virtualization related software. Is that enough? ;^) As usual we will also *very briefly* discuss the latest news and happenings in the FS/OSS world. PLUG T-Shirts will be available for purchase at $15 each. We should have some door prize drawing give aways. See you there! Alan