Josh Coffman wrote: > Does anyone know if there is a way to make compiz or beryl work with > fast user switching. (using fedora 7 if that matters). 3d desktop isn't > a big deal to me but its a nice way to impress people with linux.. plus > one of the launcher panels I like needs a composite window manager to work. That sort of depends on what kind of faster user switching you want. If it needs to look like it does in OS X or Windows, then you're out of luck. But you *can* do the functional part of it... it's just completely independent of what WM you're using. The fast user switching with X involves switching between different X servers. Traditionally, the main X server runs on display 7. You can have a second server start up on 8 with a different user (or the same user, if that's your deal) and switch between the two pretty quickly by just switching the display. openSUSE and Ubuntu do this automatically for you in their main menus. I use it at home a decent bit running Compiz Fusion in both displays and switching back and forth easily enough. It is clunky. This is one area where Linux is having to play serious catch-up with both OS X and Windows. But it works. I dream of a time when Compiz itself has virtual desktops each with their own user. Then you could switch between the desktops with all the snazzy effects and everything. That would be drool-worthy. Maybe someday... Kurt