Maybe this belongs somewhere more like but I am not familiar with that list [/not subscribed there], and even if perhaps a little bit OT (off topic), I am confident that I can get an intelligent response (some advice) here. My communication "so far" in this episode (see below) might be helped by actually reaching a real person. Background ---------- After spending some time at the tutorial "", I had some comments (suggestions, really) for possibly improving the ways to help users find stuff in that tutorial. I noticed that, at it says, [quote:] << " General comments and questions regarding this document should be sent by email to" >> So, I e-mailed my suggestion to there. So far, no problem. However, I was unprepared for what ensued. Beam me up, there's no intelligent life here -------------------------------------------- The first response to my e-mail message was a robot reply from "", saying that my e-mail message was "[...] being held until the list moderator can review it for approval. The reason it is being held: Post by non-member to a members-only list [...]". OK, so now, to review, after I thought I sent an e-mail message, it tells me that it was actually a post to a list. My next message said something like << "Who knew this was a mailing list?" >> but sending it to "" was probably not my smartest move (maybe I should've come here for advice first) since "***-request@" type addresses, often get handled by robots. (Doh!) Could I be the only one who this happened to? so far? Or, could it be some temporary glitch with [/or, error on] the web page? or with the e-mail mailbox? or something? (("Inquiring minds want to know!")) What should I do now? Thanks, -- Mike Schwartz Glendale AZ