As many have probably noted but not complained about, the PLUG website has been mostly dead for the past few weeks. Having very bad up-time is as bad as no up-time so the old site is dead. The DNS records for are now pointing at the new website server. I am happy to say that the new site CMS is up and running with a base configuration. However, we are still working on adding the basic PLUG content. If you now visit the URL, you will find the Drupal "site off-line" page as we work to finalize the initial content. A site off-line page is better than no page. Over the next few days, we will be working on making the new site "baseline presentable" so that the group can enjoy an improved and dynamic online presence. If you are interested in assisting our efforts, sign up to the plug-webdev email list at to announce your availability and for updates about the project. Thanks for your patience and support. Alan