A while back I asked if anyone knew how the init replacement upstart worked in ubuntu 6.10. JT pointed me to a design document for it which appeared to be more of a goal description. Turns out the reason I could not find any information about the implementation is that only the first steps are taken in 6.10. There is probably more information in the developer groups/lists, but I did not go there. What I did find was /usr/share/doc/upstart/README.Debian.gz which is basicly an faq but shows that a lot has not been implemented in 6.10 which is a most reasonable step-wise approach. I also found a perl script at /usr/lib/upstart/migrate-inittab.pl though I have not done any perl in 15 years. My admittedly crude searches make me think the shell of an implementation has been done but still running under init which is still PID 1. I have not yet found any implementation that actually processes events but that may well be my lack of skills and time to investigate. I have not found all the hooks, Is anyone else interested in this enough that they are looking into it as well? -- Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss