I've been lurking on this list for quite some time now, and my time has finally come to beg an answer. I have just installed (seemingly successfully) 10.1 onto my desktop, which also has Windows XP. When starting the computer, I see the options for (something like): LINUX 10.1 FLOPPY LINUX SAFE MODE WINDOWS When I select Windows, it goes through a few steps, then returns me to the Boot Screen again (booting to LINUX does work, though). When I look in the Partitioning in YaST, I see that I have data in /dev/sda1, and that it is an HPFS/NTFS file system, as /windows/C My data (I see 8.3GB) seems to be there, but I have no way to get to it, or to get to Windows! Novell tech support has been *worthless* on this. Only telling me that I must now pay for "Advanced Support". This after I have just (in good faith) installed their product, which has now messed up my machine! I have been using 9.1 (with a partitioned drive, with Windows 98SE) on my laptop for almost 2 years now, and was so far impressed with SuSE. Does anyone know how I can get it to boot up Windows again? I've learned a lot from this PLUG group over the years, just by reading others' problems. Thanks for any help offered...... Richard Allen ************************************************* Gem Land (R) PO Box 2834 Scottsdale AZ 85252 602-448-8996 www.gemland.com *************************************************