The ubuntu on her computer seems to be limping, not sure, cannot 'get ahold of it'. I was wondering IF I put a distro (different one, she never quite liked ubuntu) of say PCLinuxOS on a second hd and hooked put it in the box, what kinda mess am I going to have to get it to: 1. Working and bootable 2. Able to copy files from Ubuntu to it. 3. Able to write new files to the ubuntu hard drive(orginal hd). I am not one of the 'serious types' OS wise. I went in the other day with a cdrom and it didn't recognize the cd, so cdrom is probably toast, but again, getting my hands on the system is probablimatic for that. I tried a usb and neither of us could find it even tho the blinky light blinked and looked like it was recognized by ubuntu, but nothing found in terminal w/df command..just showed the hd and ram. No icon showed up for the usb stick either. Oh, well. *****/////*****/////***** Ed Culbertson/ke7feg Remember Katrina? For several days, only hams could get out, and talk to others dependably. No Morse Code required for Technician class licensee's. Interested? Long live Knoppix, and Puppy Live Linux cd's. --------------------------------- Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Check it out.