On 5/15/06, Darrin Chandler wrote: > > On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 09:53:52PM -0700, David Huerta wrote: > > STEM is the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Group at GCC. > > IOW, geeks. > I hope it's not too much to ask, for the DeLUG/STEM folks to post a notice here [plug-discuss] before each meeting. (as the Stammtisch folks do). It would recommend it, even if the notice just gave the date/time/place. Any further info would be nice, too (however,) I've guessed wrong so often, about whether a given "topic" or speaker will be interesting... that I have given up trying to predict any more... so now sometimes, I just go if I have the time, even if I "expect" to be bored... often I am surprised. According to http://www.devrylinux.org/ it says the DeLUG meetings are [usually] on the 2nd and 4th Mon., but it also says "DeVry... Rm. 116" (I think a more recent source, said "DeVry... Rm. 211.") [from a post by *stu :*] > Just to toss in my 2 cents- > I work nights, and for the few west side meetings I've been to I > had to take > vacation time from work. Perhaps schedueling the meetings at a > different time > might help draw in some night students > and evening shift workers - Just > something to think about. > Stu I live on the W side, too; but I usually have a class on Tues. night, so I miss a lot of the "W Side" meetings. -- Mike Schwartz Glendale AZ schwartz@acm.org Mike.L.Schwartz@gmail.com