On 3/16/06, Josh Coffman wrote: > > System info: > Fedora Core 4 > broadcom eth & wifi; using broadcom eth drivers and > ndiswrapper for wireless. > hp pavilion zv5440 > > When I run NetworkManagerInfo, I get this error. > > ** (nm-applet:19555): WARNING **: (): > nmwa_dbus_init() could not acquire its service. > dbus_bus_acquire_service() says: 'Connection ":1.29" > is not allowed to own the service > "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security > policies in the configuration file' > > I haven't found anything via google that helps me to > understand. I'm not sure whether its a config problem > with nm-applet.conf or a dbus problem. > > Can anyone point me in the right direction? Well, the error message says it's a configuration problem. I'd try examining nm-applet.conf or any other .confs related to NM first.