On Sun, 2006-02-05 at 23:46 -0700, Joseph Huber wrote: > Dunno if I am going to open a can of worms here... anyone out there that has > done some web page design (free-lance, during the day job, whatever) have > any thoughts on a screen resolution to aim for? I am thinking that 15 inch > monitors and 800x600 is pretty much a thing of the past (and that 17 inch is > fast going the same way) but that 1024x768 is reasonable resolution. I have > a 17 inch monitor at home and usually have the browser maximized... but at > work on a 19 inch (to me) having a window maximized seems to make it too > big. I rarely have a browser window wider than 800 px. I don't really maximize anything, so my browser window is smaller. With things like CSS and such, you could be able to make a resizable webpage pretty easily. --Ted