On 2/2/06, Kurt Granroth wrote: > > On Thursday 02 February 2006 12:28, Joshua Zeidner wrote: > > Remember, Hitler was Time Man of the Year in 1938! > > As well he should have been. Bin Laden should have been the Time Man of > the > Year for 2001, in my opinion. The Time "Person of the Year" (as it is > apparently now called) is not an honor. Instead, it is meant to > recognize, > and I quote: "the single person who, for better or worse, has most > influenced > events in the preceding year." Can you think of anybody who influenced > the > world more than Hitler in 1938? sure! Stalin. Wait... he was Time man of the year in 1942! although your comments are technically correct, I do not think that Time magazine would be lauding the efforts of Adolph today given the course that history has run since 1938. He did a few things which many consider to be not very nice. But I will end this Godwinesque discussion here. Thanks for the comments! jmz