On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 07:22:19AM -0700, Josh Coffman wrote: > > What scope are we talking about? What needs to be > done? How many machines? Is there a particular setup, > or could someone find any old box, throw some easy > distro on it and drive it over? > > Basically, let's figure out what we're aiming for > before we start shooting. > > -j I agree -- I'd love to help, but have been hesitant since it's been kinda amorphus as to what we're trying to accomplish. Let's try to organize something and get the specifics nailed down so that anyone on this list who wants to contribute /can/ contribute by either offering extra hands, expertise, hardware, etc. I had a few questions of my own that I really needed answers to before I could commit my resources to this. - What kinds of hardware are we talking about needing? What hardware do we already have? What hardware do we need? - Where are we going to set these boxen up? The colesium? Somewhere else? - How do we plan on setting up the distros so others can access their email and such? I realize this is Knoppix, but this is still a point of concern since settings can still be changed that can adversely affect a currently running Knoppix box. Are we going to forcibly reboot the computers when the users are done? - Who will be providing the 'net access? How will we utilize it? So... Yeah. I'm interested in helping, but more details, please. =o) -- June Tate * http://www.theonelab.com * june@theonelab.com