On Tue, 2005-26-07 at 14:00 -0700, Daniel P. Stasinski wrote: > Can anyone recommend any O/S project for remote audio monitoring? I > would like to be able to run a local app that will connect to my home > server and let me listen in on what's happening there. I don't want a > 24x7 feed, just the ability to listen in if necessary. > > Daniel Try using Asterisk's (http://www.asterisk.org) "console" interface (it grabs from the local hardware, as well as outputs) and then you can use any one of hundreds of different ways to access it remotely, whether by phoneline or VoIP, you can have a full conversation with the other end (or just not plug in speakers). Some may say this is a little overkill, but Asterisk has an extremely wide range of uses aside from just traditional IVR etc. Just strip off what you don't need and it'll run fairly small. (And yes, I know this works. You can have a good conversation talking to a closed door in my office with someone practically anywhere in the world - you just look like you've lost your marbles) -Bryce