Hoorraayyy!!!  It's taken *forever*, but I'm really glad they're almost there, and that they decided to include full 1.1 support, instead of the static-only support they've been targeting for most of the past 5 years.

now,  if I can just remember where I left all those really cool SVG transform sheets I developed a few years back....


Ted Gould wrote:
On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 12:43 -0700, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
I wonder if we should organize some letter campaign or website to request
certain websites to use open standards.

Maybe DHTML and Javascript or SVG could be used instead.

Some interesting links:
(There are probably some up-to-date documents too.)

Well, browser support for SVG really hasn't been there.  But...


Makes me smile :)
