How much you intend on spending?  Do you dual-boot?  Do you game?
Any reasonably modern card will produce a decent clear result.  If not, you take it back!   Performance and cost provide bigger issues.
I wouldn't reccomend a SiS card, cos support's scattershot.  If you must buy a $19.95 card, TNT2-M64 may be your best option.  Radeon 7000s seem to have poor compatibility
For a dual-booter, I reccomend nVidia cards, cos they have much nicer Windows drivers than ATi offers.  However, nVidia doesn't offer anything performance-competitive until the 5700 series cards-- in the $50-100 range, a Radeon 9200 or 9600 will do better.
I personally use a nVidia 5600XT (downclocked 5600), cos at the time, it was the best $95 card you could get.
Or I could dig out a 16Mb Matrox G400 and sell it to you. :)