moin moin, I'm at my once a decade point of caring about fonts. It's awesome that distributions support so many languages, but Urdu, Klingon and Thai having legible fonts are not going to help me read them. fonts-gfs-complutum - ancient Greek font revival from the University of Alcalá, Spain That's cool and useful for a friend, but it's been a while since I've spoken any Greek aside from Opa[0]. So, aside from grepping out 50 languages, how do I determine which debian packages I should install to get all the cool fonts that will enrich my digital culteral experience? I might be asking the same thing about CentOS and Fedora next week, so rpm-based answers also welcome. I am mostly concerned about xterm, konsole, GIMP and LibreOffice. In that order. [0] Leaving aside the many English words derived from ancient Greek, etc. ciao, der.hans -- # # The Internet is the front line of the battle # to protect our freedom. -- Nathaniel Borenstein