Am 04. Feb, 2016 schwätzte Bryan O'Neal so: moin moin, $( ) is command redirection. ( ) is a subshell, sort of. Here are some excerpts from the bash man page: ### (list) list is executed in a subshell environment (see COMMAND EXECU TION ENVIRONMENT below). COMMAND EXECUTION ENVIRONMENT The shell has an execution environment, which consists of the follow ing: . . . · various process IDs, including those of background jobs, the value of $$, and the value of PPID ### If you want a full subshell, invoke bash and create another process. Also, check the values of SHLVL. :) lufthans@fred:~$ cat function backGround() { echo "Pid $1 is $$ $SHLVL" sleep 3 } function backGround_subshell() { echo "echo Pid $1 is $$ $SHLVL" sleep 3 } echo "My pid is $$ $SHLVL" backGround 1 & echo "BPid 1 is $!" ps -ef | grep $! (backGround_subshell 4) & echo "BPid 4 is $!" ps -ef | grep $! bash -c 'echo true subshell PID $$ $SHLVL; ps -ef | grep $$' wait echo :) lufthans@fred:~$ :) lufthans@fred:~$ bash anke My pid is 27695 2 BPid 1 is 27696 Pid 1 is 27695 2 lufthans 27696 27695 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 bash anke lufthans 27698 27695 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 grep 27696 lufthans 27699 27696 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 sleep 3 BPid 4 is 27700 echo Pid 4 is 27695 2 lufthans 27700 27695 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 bash anke lufthans 27702 27695 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 grep 27700 true subshell PID 27704 3 lufthans 27704 27695 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 bash -c echo true subshell PID $$ $SHLVL; ps -ef | grep $$ lufthans 27705 27704 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef lufthans 27706 27704 0 21:26 pts/0 00:00:00 grep 27704 :) lufthans@fred:~$ ciao, der.hans > Sorry for the cross post but this is not an easy question I don't think.... > > Given: > Pid of a process is $$ > Pid of a child process just spawned is $! > However a child process does not see $$ as it's pid but rather the pid of > it's parent... How can the child process know it's own pid? > > Example: > [root@mybox l]# cat backTest > function backGround() { > echo "Pid $1 is $$" > } > function backGround_subshell() { > echo "echo Pid $1 is $$" > } > echo "My pid is $$" > backGround 1 & > echo "BPid 1 is $!" > backGround 2 & > echo "BPid 2 is $!" > backGround 3 & > echo "BPid 3 is $!" > $(backGround_subshell 4) & > echo "BPid 4 is $!" > $(backGround_subshell 5) & > echo "BPid 5 is $!" > $(backGround_subshell 6) & > echo "BPid 6 is $!" > wait > echo > [root@mybox l]# bash backTest > My pid is 16712 > BPid 1 is 16713 > Pid 1 is 16712 > BPid 2 is 16714 > Pid 2 is 16712 > BPid 3 is 16715 > BPid 4 is 16716 > BPid 5 is 16717 > BPid 6 is 16719 > Pid 4 is 16712 > Pid 3 is 16712 > Pid 6 is 16712 > Pid 5 is 16712 > -- # # Practice socially conscious hedonism. Do whatever you want, # as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. - der.hans