Wow, I totally missed that anyone was developing a new one, but then again there's so much cruft in kickstarter these days, hard to find a reason weeding through it to find something relevant anymore.

That however is a gem, and it looks beautiful.  I only hope they can deliver half of what they promise to, as watching their video brought a tear to my eye.  Going to their website,, and getting " Error displaying the error page: Application Instantiation Error: Could not connect to MySQL." is not an encouraging start.  Obviously devlopers still can't sysadmin to save their lives (or projects), hopefully they get someone with a clue to handle scaling the backend for it to not suck.

Honestly, I loved the gameplay so much, I can still mostly look past the 20 year old graphics to play it still, as I've never found another game like it.  Even the Decent3 version failed to capture the essence of the game, and became relegated to the graveyard of buggy windoze fodder.

I'm definitely keeping an eye on this now - see you in the underground, I hope.


On 06/19/2015 01:31 AM, Nathan England wrote:

Wow! That was *the* game I played in high school. I spent sooo many long nights playing Descent 1/2 with my best friend. Our parents didn't realize we were tying up the phone line to play that game but it was incredible.

Talk about fond memories. I've looked at it today and the graphics are sooo cheesy, but hey, there is a remake and it is hopefully going to be equally amazing!