Ah, xbmc/kodi seems to be a big reason.

Fired kodi up to catch certain season ending content tonight, and yeah, took me from 118 xclients before to max after.  At least I got to watch though.

I tried to launch something after moving it to the background, no launch, no error, just usual telltale signs of brokenness, so checked...

mb@host:~$ xlsclients -a | sort | wc -l
Maximum number of clients reachedxlsclients:  unable to open display ":0"

Thought what changed from an hour ago, nothing more than launching kodi.  Killed it (kill -9 pids, kodi wouldn't die otherwise), and voila.

mb@host:~$ xlsclients -a | sort | wc -l

As usual, probably plugins developed on windoze that doesn't bother to limit exploit of the os (probably more encouraged by the nsa).  But hey, at least I know I need to yell at someone there to figure out how to code it and their plugins properly.

Just an fyi.

Side note, this isn't the ultimate evil it seems but a significant one.  Tried to launch a gl-based game last night too, and get things like sdl() failures to spawn a window, so there's something else getting run-down over time.  Craptastic part is absolutely nothing errors system-wise, even doing a blanket tail -f on /var/log/*, hoping something would bark to indicate such.  I still think amd binary drivers are crap.


On 06/14/2015 12:33 AM, Michael Butash wrote:
It's gotten *that* unstable lately, it's hardly worse than rebooting every few days.
