For those of you who don't want to drive to Chandler, or Tempe, there's MPGLUG:
MPGLUG Discussion Lists:
MPGLUG has a 501(c)4 Non-Profit status that allows individual and business donations to be 100% tax deductible therefore ensuring that LUG community interaction is ethical and without secondary gain.  Grants, corporate sponsorship, internship programs with local businesses are all possible within our growing community.
MPGLUG provides a West Side LUG Meeting at the Burton Barr Library - check their schedule.  They have an open call for presentations and volunteers.
MPGLUG now hosts the HackFests at DeVry, operating under the University's OpenSource Community Charter that includes the use of a rack at OneNeck, for the purposes of student community open source involvement [which means occuring at the school] that includes an ESXi server with lab systems for pentesting, practical security academics and forensics.  Hackfest interns all share access to the VMWare environment to setup practical examples to showcase recent exploits or build and test security tools.  The Hackfests provide a monthy remote CTF (using OpenVPN) for the community, have custom Ubuntu Kali LIVE DVD for drop and go hacker use in the university's well maintained lab machines.  
Presentations are archived online at
Hackfest Announce List: