Am 02. Dez, 2014 schwätzte JD Austin so: moin moin JD, > I'm a lurker on this list and haven't had time to go to an actual plug > meeting in years so take my input as you may... that said PLUG should take > these issues seriously because these are the kinds of issues that tear > apart organizations. We do take claims of discrimination seriously. > When people take the time to cite specific examples and tell you that they > feel a negative bias towards them the wrong response is to deny their > feelings are valid. A major problem most clubs/organizations have unless We are not denying feelings. However, we have definitely had false claims made on list. False accusations are also destructive to a group. > they make a concerted effort not to be is that overtime they get cliquish > and non-inclusive; unless an effort is made not to do so long time members > start to feel and act as if it is their organization and can seem like > dictators to new people. I haven't been involved enough in PLUG to know if The issue is that a few people have joined and demanded to become dictators telling PLUG what PLUG should do. We don't want a hostile takeover. If they want to dictate how a group is organized, then they need to create their own group. If someone joins a long-established Free Software project's mailing list, that person should not feel entitled to dictate how the Free Software project is run or what code should be allowed. Those who join and help are actively welcomed and encouraged. Some of our best volunteers have only been around for a couple of years. They found ways to make a positive difference. > that is happening here but the emails flying around right now make it sound > like it could be that way. I've seen these kinds of issues destroy groups > before; I'm sure I'm not the only person that has no desire to be a group > that discriminates against women or any other body of people. > Linux is for everyone and has the most diversity of any operating system I > know. Free Software is a diversity enabler. That's one of the things I love about Free Software. As an example, I just received a request to help create an accessibility session. Off to do something positive. ciao, der.hans -- # # I only eat free-range vegetables that were hunted down and slain by # a member of my immediate family. -- der.hans