Am 04. Nov, 2014 schwätzte Keith Smith so: moin moin Keith, > Last night I shelled into a web server I am working on and issue the command > to upload data into MySql from the command line. The process took about an > hour and a half. > > Then I received the message "Write failed: Broken pipe". In researching, > apparently sshd timed out. > > I'm guessing the process completed... But how would I know? Check MySQL to see if all of the data loaded. The ssh connection was killed, so you don't know how the shell did. If you need to run long commands on remote systems, use screen or tmux on the remote system. That will keep the shell running even if the network connection is killed. It also allows you to reconnect to the shell. screen -S mysession # Start a screen session named mysession screen -x mysession # reconnect to the screen session named mysession -a d # disconnect from an active screen session If you already run screen locally you can either run screen within screen or you can start a new xterm, then connect out. I also recommend the ServerAliveInterval, but I set it to 5 minutes. I used that for all ssh connections. ServerAliveInterval 300 ciao, der.hans -- # # Strangers are friends just waiting to happen!