Am 25. Jul, 2014 schwätzte Kaoru Wilbur so: > Yeah, I think I have a SuSe disk from like 2001. I did make some money on > that Novell stock when they bought SuSe. The road trip thing sounds > interesting to me. I want to see what they have to say... I'm not expecting > anything amazing, and I am Debian dedicated but am open to seeing what else > is going on. Yeah, it's good to look around once in a while. I might no longer be using a half-dozen distributions on my systems, but I never know what might turn up in the work place. Also, I'd rather choose the correct tool for work rather than just defaulting to the one I know. > Hans if they send swag, do you think anyone would care? I'll turn it over > to you if they send anything! Unless it is disks for the installfest. I > believe they are sending over disks too. :) Sure, swag generally goes over well. T-shirts tend to be popular for some reason :). > P.S. Getting the hardware for the install server project. > Discussed this last night with Drew and Hagan. Cool. ciao, der.hans -- # # It's up to the reader to make the book interesting. # An author has only the opportunity to make it uninteresting. - der.hans