PLUG will be meeting at 7pm at The Desert Breeze Substation. Desert Breeze Substation 251 North Desert Breeze Blvd Chandler, AZ 85226 The Desert Breeze Substation is on Chandler Blvd and Desert Breeze +Blvd, which is half way between McClintock and Rural. It is very close to both the south 202 and 101 freeways. Public transportation is available into the late hours. See for map and other info. To get to the room that we meet, just enter the door that faces Desert Breeze and make your first left, you can't miss it, as it's the only place to go. We have 2 presentation's this month. Bryan O'Neal will be presenting: Big Data: MongoDB Bryan has been in IT for 20 years. He has managed small teams for developers and operations. He has led architecture for a technology startup. He has 7 as a DBA, including several conversions from undocumented, proprietary, embedded databases. His knowledge of many data platforms ( MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis, MySQL, Hadoop, and many more ) ensures an informative talk. der.hans will be presenting a short talk on: Basic Secure Site Verification in Firefox See you there, Brian Cluff