Am 07. May, 2013 schwätzte so: moin moin, > Plug is terrific! I totally agree with Keith's comments. Danke :). > Thank you especially to Brian and Hans ... but also to each and > every PLUG participant who selflessly contributes so much value to > this excellent group. Many people contribute to PLUG. All of our presentaters, obviously, but also those who contribute to the discussions by answering or asking questions. We also have: Brian - web site, east side meeting, Stammtisch and steering committee Larry - Installfests, Ubuntu LoCo cross-communication, steering committee, web site Todd - Installfests, Ubuntu LoCo cross-communication Ŀisa - security meetings Ėric - Installfests Ed - dev mtgs Paul - dev mtgs There are others that I believe prefer privacy over public praise. There are also others I don't know about, especially with the Installfests. And I probably outright forgot someone. If so, sorry. That said, we do a lot for a small group and PLUG improves with more involvement. If this thread is interesting to you, if you want PLUG to improve, if you want PLUG to do more, if you want to help PLUG: join the PLUG-planning mailing list. Also show up at 18:00 on Thursday if you can. > Perhaps a facebook page and other social media might be helpful to > point new people to the PLUG email list and website, but I believe > that the best value will continue to be found in the email list. At this point I agree. The main focus being the mailing list doesn't mean we can't have web forums, e.g. G+ discussion threads as well. That will work better for some people. ciao, der.hans -- # # "it's not what you do, it's how the whiteboard looks..."