We lost our room at MCC and have to move. They are turning our old room into offices. For this month only we will be meeting in a different room at MCC. After this month we will pick a new location, so stay tuned to details on that. Next week we will meet at MCC in room BP1S (see the attached map). Hans will be doing a preview of his SCaLE talk on glusterfs. I'll send out a more formal announcement later this week with more details on everything. I mostly just wanted to get the word out about the move. Also, if you have any ideas about where we can meet in the future please send them to me off list. We are giving preference to Tempe locations or very near Tempe as we would like to keep it fairly central to the valley, but we can't get too picky since we need it to be donated space. Also consider availability of public transportation, the amount of parking, how late we can stay etc, etc We get 25 to 30 people on a regular basis and we surge to 40 or 50 quite often so we'll need a room that can hold that. Brian Cluff