moin moin, I have already told Ryan and HeatSyncLabs that PLUG and ABLEconf want to work on Software Freedom Day 2011 with them :). Who wants to volunteer? Anything specific we'd like to make happen? I believe SFD should definitely be a big community outreach event. ciao, der.hans -- # # I chose to use the kernel sources as my documentation. ;-) # -- Kevin Buettner ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 13:25:20 -0700 From: Ryan Rix Reply-To: Arizona State University Linux Users Group To: ASULUG@ASU.EDU Subject: Re: linux classes Hey, On this note, is anyone interested in helping me plan at HeatSync? Basically installfest but with less installing and more showing off how awesome free software and neckbeards are. :-P I want to pull asulug, plug, etc in to the event. I have a whole bunch of cool ideas, like FOSS music show (we have a guy that does electronica on arguing, powerful mixing tools, etc), presentations, and I'd like to invite ASU faculty and maybe city of mesa it to show up.... But k need halp. <3? R -- Sent from my HP TouchPad ____________________________________________________________________________ On Aug 10, 2011 23:37, der.hans wrote: Am 09. Aug, 2011 schwätzte Nicholas Vaidyanathan so: > "Something needs to be done about this. " > > Seems to me that ASULUG is in a perfect position to do so. Yes, yes it is. > You don't like it? Then step up. Weekly Linux tutorials in BYENG210 in > the evenings. Shell scripting. Useful tools. Cover the essentials. Also, work with other groups. For example, encourage people to show up to the PLUG meetings. We have a general meeting tomorrow ( Thursday ) night at Mesa Community College. We also have a devel meeting the first Thursday of the month. There are also security meetings, installfests and meetings on the west side of town. I also have the Free Software Stammtisch. Food, beer and talking about Free Software. It's a great combo :). Finally, if you do start weekly tutorials ( or pretty well any other event ), please make sure we know about it! I'd love posts to PLUG. The LoCo has an IRC meeting every Sunday and is quite supportive of other Free Software groups announcing their events. We need to work together. There's no need for one big group to own everything, but we need the regional/topical/whateverical groups in the state to work together. Oh, and we'd love to have you come do presentations at PLUG meetings :). ciao, der.hans -- # # Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important # stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it. -- Linus Torvalds