Am 14. Oct, 2010 schwätzte Eric Cope so: > It doesn't answer your questions, but what made you decide to move to > Percona? Are you moving to XtraDB? My boss said to change ;-). We need better performance from a couple of our databases. Percona has a reputation for having good performance patches. We would have considered MariaDB, but want to wait until some others have done road-testing for us :). Actually, if I can, I'll have at least one MariaDB box as a slave. I might even be able to use it as a master in a couple of places. The claims of better scalability for many cores for XtraDB interests us. Most of our DBen are sitting idle on RAM starved machines, but a couple are really beating the heck out of their hardware. We want to consolidate the DBen on RAM-starved machines to some centralized DB servers, which will then also be exercising the hardware. ciao, der.hans -- # # Boredom is self-inflicted...der.hans