Am 17. Aug, 2010 schwätzte JD Austin so: > I'm not sure how good the coverage is but Arizona Small Business Association > has a group plan you could participate in. > Here is a link to find out more: > Did not know about this. Would have been useful info for me earlier in the year :). Thanks for the link as it might be useful next year! A word of caution, though. Make sure it really is a group plan. I did investigate several insurance via several professional groups options. It turns out, they were all individual plans that were available via a business relationship with the professional association. I ended up going with one where there was a small discount versus walking in off the street. There is no group coverage, so barring protections in the new law, if I have a medical emergency insurance will suddenly get very expensive. The plan is overall not too expensive. More than at the last employer, but far less than COBRA was once I left the employer. It's good enough that I stuck with it rather than switching to $employer insurance once I was elligible. ciao, der.hans -- # # Director of Engineering, FonWallet Transaction Solutions, Inc. # "If class warfare is being waged in America, my class is clearly winning." # -- Warren Buffett