Am 24. Jul, 2010 schwätzte Alex Dean so: moin moin, > I think you should consider replicating to multiple slaves. 1 is for backup, > and is totally read-only. That's my goal. First I need to get all of the DBen going to at least one slave and make sure we've backing up everything that needs to be backed up. > This is per DB? If db1 is a slave DB, I can set it as read-only, but keep db2, which is a local DB, as read-write? > Another slave, for reporting, can have more relaxed rules. If people want to > mess with the data there, no harm. If they screw it up too horribly, restore > a backup onto the reporting database and continue as before. You need to get I still want the replicated parts to be read-only. Yes, I want reporting environments seperate from production slaves. > them to script any changes they're making, so they're easy to re-apply after > you restore the testing database. (If there are certain columns they add, or > aggregating tables they find useful, they should be able to run 1 script to > re-create them. This removes the "we can't restore, it'll ruin all my custom > work!" complaint.) Great idea. This will be the hardest to push through, but I think we can do it. > Plan to periodically take a backup from your live database, and use that > re-init your slaves. MySQL replication is quite good, but I still have seen > some odd situations where replication can mess up. Since a full live diff of > the 2 servers (which would check all data and verify you're in sync) isn't > really feasible, I think it's safest to take backups from the prod server on > a somewhat-infrequent basis. I'll have to think about this one. I see your point and agree with it. I might instead tackle it via audits. I like audits for the potential of catching slow corruption. Might do both :). ciao, der.hans -- # # Director of Engineering, FonWallet Transaction Solutions, Inc. # Fairy Tale, n.: A horror story to prepare children for the newspapers.