I have access to an out of print genealogy/family history book which was previously cut apart, scanned and copies made (I didn't get one.). I'd like to scan it in again but this time put the scanned pages on a CD or DVD. Does anyone know of a reputable shop that they would recommend for this? I could scan the pages myself and burn the resulting discs, but would prefer to find a source for making commercially pressed disks. My understanding is that the actual bumps in the pressed versions are more permanent that the lasered dye layers in home burned discs.

If anyone can point me to where I can read up on preferred scan resolution, output format, general information, etc. for such a project, I'd appreciate it. I don't know enough about the necessary details to even guess whether a 200+ page book would fit on a CD or would require a DVD.

Please reply on-list if this is of somewhat general interest, off-list to m.jarvis@cox.net if not.

Thanks again for any help,

Mark Jarvis