You're my savior man! I found a post on some forum talking about using mdadm --examine to check the superblock on the drives. /dev/sdc1 was a complete no show, but /dev/sdd1 (which was also failed) looked ok, though outdated. I deactivated the array with mdadm --stop /dev/md0 and forced an assemble with the command you gave me.

mdadm --assemble --force /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdd1

And I'm back online! Time to copy files off ASAP. I still hear the chirping noise, from one of the drives, but at least it's back up. Thanks again!


Charles Jones wrote:
Joe Fleming wrote:
Hey all, I have a Debian box that was acting as a 4 drive RAID-5 mdadm softraid server. I heard one of the drives making strange noises but mdstat reported no problems with any of the drives. I decided to copy the data off the array so I had a backup before I tried to figure out which drive it was. Unfortunately, in the middle of copying said data, 2 of the drives dropped out at the same time. Since RAID-5 is only tolerant to one failure at a time, basically the whole array is hosed now. I've had drives drop out on me before, but never 2 at once. Sigh.

I tried to Google a little about dealing with multi-drive failures with mdadm, but I couldn't find much in my initial looking. I'm going to keep digging, but I thought I'd post a question to the group and see what happens. So, is there a way to tell mdadm to "unmark" one of the 2 drives as failed and try to bring up the array again WITHOUT rebuilding it? I really don't think both of the drives failed on me simultaneously and I'd like to try to return 1 of the 2 to the array and test my theory. If I can get the array back up, I can either keep trying to copy data off it or add a new replacement and try to rebuild. I'm pretty novice with mdadm thought I don't see an option that will let me do what I want. Can anyone offer me some advice or point me in the right direction..... or am I just SOL?

As a side note, why can't hard drive manufacturers make drives that last anymore? I've had like 5 drives fail on me in the last year... WD, Seagate, Hitachi, they all suck equally! I can't find any that last for any reasonable amount of time, and all the warranties leave you with reman'd drives which fail even more rapidly, some even show up DOA. Plus, I'm not sending my unencrypted data off to some random place! Sorry for venting, just a little ticked off at all of this. Thanks in advance for any help.


I've had luck in the past recovering from a multi-drive failure, where the other failed drive was not truly dead but rather was dropped because of an IO error caused by a thermal calibration or something similar.  The trick is to re-add the drive to the array and using the option to force it NOT to try to rebuild the array.  This used to be an require several options like --really-force and --really-dangerous but now I think its just something like --assemble --force /dev/md0. This forces the array to come back up to its degraded (still down 1 disk) state.  If possible replace the degraded disk or copy your data off before the other flakey drive fails.

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