Am 06. Nov, 2008 schwätzte betty so: moin moin betty, > so, can i upgrade from feisty to intrepid skipping over the interim > releases? (without having to re-do all my settings...?) It's recommended that you upgrade to each release. If you're running LTS ( long term support ), then you can go from LTS to LTS without the non-LTS updates. So, update your feisty install completely. After that update to gutsy, then to hardy. Then you can either stay with the LTS release or continue on to intrepid. Please also review the update notes for each release. The updates mostly work without problems if you follow the recommendations, but the release notes will help you determine if there's something that directly affects you. ciao, der.hans -- # Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base, Are belong to you.