Alan Dayley wrote:
Hmm... Seems someone may be hitching a ride on another's reputation:

If so, that's too bad.  I see groups of ladies from the Red Hat
Society doing "meetups" and outings at restaurants, etc. on a fairly
regular basis.  This real estate person may be playing on that
reputation to pick up clients.

Then again, maybe she just likes red hats.

The Red Hat Society started out as the result of the poem Warning by Jenny Joseph, written in 1961. It received national recognition in 1984.  See

The first two lines are:

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple

With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.

It's simply coincidental that Red Hat refers both to a popular distro of Linux and a society for old ladies,  but to be fair, I think the old ladies  have us beat, because the used the name first.

Bbob Eaton