Am 17. Jun, 2008 schwätzte so: moin moin, > My contract has been extended for four months. I will be taking a much needed break, going out of town over the week of Saturday 6/28. Congratulations. Enjoy the mini-vacation. > Other than additional helpees, a wired router (4+1 port okay), cables, and power strip would be needed. One person, because UAT's IT didn't provide wired Internet, left without a completed system last time. I can loan the wireless switch, but can't be there. I have the switch with me at Stammtisch tonight, so I can give it to someone now. I also have ethernet cables, power cables and power strips. I don't have those with me tonight. I might be able to provide a wireless to wired device as well. ciao, der.hans -- # # I've got a photographic memory, # but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans