Am 22. Jan, 2008 schwätzte R P Herrold so: > I need that laser check printing capability, and want two way > import /export, though ;) Were it supported and in GNUCash would FreeCheck do what you need? Looks like it hasn't changed in 5 years. > I have offered bounties in the past; this thread from #centos > at months ago; I affirm and renew it here. We need to concentrate the bounties and requests for service such that someone sees the business opportunity in supporting Free Software and open data formats. I need an accountant who'll work with Free Software. It sounds like Vaughn does as well. You're $elsewhere, but still need the Free Software aspect even if you don't need an accountant in the Phoenix area. I have leads on two accounting companies that might be willing to work with Free Software. Who else would be willing to pay for accounting services from a company that uses Free Software for the bookkeeping? I know of several companies in the Phoenix area that would prefer to be using Free Software for their bookkeeping. A couple might be willing to switch accountants if we had one that would use Free Software. I don't need to import data from a proprietary format, but it would be awesome if we could move people from QuickBooks to some Free Software program. ciao, der.hans -- # # "This place has everything. It's even got a Hans." -- Ken Bowley