Matt Graham wrote: > After a long battle with technology, Stephen P Rufle wrote: >> Derek Neighbors wrote: >>> On 9/17/07, der.hans wrote: >>>> The Avondale location will likely move next month as they started >>>> hosting an open mic night the same night. >>> I think they should recite Free Software error messages in haiku on >>> open mic night. >>> >> GNU/Haiku :) > > Or sonnets, like the excerpt below: > > HTML encoding's quite a b!tch; > Some email clients aren't as l33t as yours. > So pity them and use a format which > Won't obfuscate your message. Zut alors! > > Conservative in format always be: > A bloated message oft's not read by me. > > --Jacob W. Haller ("*You* try finding a euphemism for HTML that scans") > > ...or Perl Poetry? > That would be awesome. :) Unfortunately, no one had the courage to do so. :(