Am 13. Sep, 2007 schwätzte Cary Mabe so: moin moin Cary, > Hi, pluggers! I'm very very new at this, and I'm having a ball getting my feet wet with linux. I've already solved quite a few of my own questions with a little research, but I'm not sure this is gonna be an every day kinda question. Here goes. . . . I've been having no luck at all burning an audio cd (any kind of CD, really) with the linux system. I don't think that it is any problem with any of the cd writing tools I'm using (I've tried several) I think the problem lies with the fact that my drives cd, hd, etc. are all showing up as scsi drives when they are all on ide. I'm new but I don't think that's normal!! if it's not, just as an exercise, I'd really like to try to fix that without reinstalling. Thanks to anybody who responds in advance! Actually, your IDE CD and DVD drives will show up as SCSI. $ cat /proc/scsi/scsi Attached devices: Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00 Vendor: SAMSUNG Model: CDRW/DVD SM-352N Rev: TA00 Type: CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 05 I would still expect IDE hard drives to show up as IDE. SATA drives will show up as SCSI. The CD drive should be available as /dev/scd0. $ scsi_info /dev/scd0 SCSI_ID="0,0,0" HOST="1" MODEL="SAMSUNG CDRW/DVD SM-352N" FW_REV="TA00" ciao, der.hans -- # # "If class warfare is being waged in America, my class is clearly winning." # -- Warren Buffett